Class Four: How Meditation Changes Your Brain

This class expands into a scientific perspective on how meditation changes your brain. Far beyond mere relaxation, true meditation alters brain wave patterns and enhances your personal “energy field”, building the personal power required to experience wholeness and fulfillment for yourself.

Application – Class Practice

The technique of focused wakefulness of the Balance Position continued in Class 4. Everything that had been practiced in Class 3 was repeated in slightly different ways to reinforce the same outcome — the experience of balance in duration. Attention was called to breath awareness and the relaxing effect of this practice. As soon as this connection was established, attention was directed to the “still” interior that is always present, always simultaneous to the exterior. Our focus proceeded to the awareness of balance in duration and the expansion of witnessing consciousness. This experience was seen as the experience of consciousness happening in each moment as it happened and the experience of true reality — a blissful consciousness watching itself.

20 Minute High-Tech Meditation in the Theta Range

For best results use headphones while meditating with Synchronicity High-Tech Meditation. You may also close your eyes instead of watching the video for an even deeper experience.


Frequently Asked Questions

In this course on “High-Tech Meditation”, you have learned a lot about meditation as the foremost balancing technique in human experience. And you have taken it a step further with an extensive grounding in the world’s most effective technology-based system of meditation — Synchronicity High-Tech Meditation.

However, no matter how much you hear and read, there is always the experiential aspect. Over the years, the world-wide experience of High-Tech Meditation has resulted in some common questions and that is the subject of this transcript — a review of some of the questions to further assist in your understanding.
1) What are the differences between Synchronicity and other technologies?

1. Synchronicity High-Tech Meditation is designed specifically for meditation (not true of other technologies).

2. Synchronicity High-Tech Meditation soundtracks are the only ones created by a Master of Meditation (who is also the originator).

3. A mind machine can only take you as far in awareness-expansion as its creator.

2) What is the difference between High-Tech Meditation and classical meditation (low tech)?

1. If desired, you can continue with your current practice (using a mantra, etc.). High-Tech Meditation will only help you to meditate with greater precision.

2. NO pre-requisites, NO learning, NO belief required.

3. Precision meditation means greater effectiveness … accelerated results — i.e., it works.

4. You can choose the level of experience you desire: light, medium, or deep.

3) What about headphones vs. external speakers?

1. Headphones / good earbuds are recommended for sitting meditation.

2. Speakers may be used for light, ambient meditative focus while otherwise engaged (or exclusively with Harmonic Coherence environmental technology).

4) How does one best understand one’s experience?

1. If you are an experienced meditator, compare prior meditative practice with the impact of beginning Synchronicity High-Tech Meditation.

2. If you are a new meditator, discuss the ease and accelerated results from starting meditation with Synchronicity soundtracks vs. other more traditional techniques.

5) What is the value of retreats?

1. People come to retreats for a more intensive experience without the distractions of daily living.

2. Most people have had an impactful experience on a retreat.

3. Direct contact with an authentic Master / Mentor is important.

4. There is great value in the total immersion in the meditative experience within an idealized environment.

5. One has the opportunity to experience Synchronicity Integrative Protocols.

6) Success: how do I know if I’m meditating correctly / successfully?

1. Elements of success:

a.   Wakefulness

b.   Presence (being in the here-and-now moment)

c.   Stillness, detached observation, witness consciousness, holistic awareness, absence,
bliss, vibration, euphoria, intoxication, opiation, peacefulness, feeling soothed.

d.   Experiencing the processing/ clearing cycle.

2. Observable changes in outer life:  (varies with the individual)

a. Increased ability to focus

b. More effectiveness in dealing with challenges

c. Increased recognition of one’s patterns and habits

d. Increased harmony, goodwill, and understanding

e. Increased ability to manifest one’s intentions

f.   Greater sense of freedom and spontaneity in daily life

g. Creativity and inspiration/ enthusiasm

h. A sense of surprise and delight.

7) General Questions:

a) I fall asleep. If you appear to fall asleep while sitting up, it’s not sleep, but rather an experience of absence or very subtle-dimensional awareness;

b) What about lying down? Sitting upright with as little back support as possible is the recommended posture for meditation;

c) I experience restlessness/ boredom. If only occasional – it’s appropriate / nothing to do / continue to observe. If frequent, it indicates imbalance in the Primary Trinity dimensions – thus, there is need to have a more balanced diet and add more exercise;

d) I have no time to meditate. If you are too busy to meditate, then you’re too busy. This represents objective/ negative polarity imbalance and the need to create balance with subjective, positive polarity emphasis. Meditation is an investment, not an expenditure. Make the time to meditate, and you will be that much more effective in life;

e) I have physical discomfort. Don’t strain to be in a rigid posture. Sit comfortably. If it’s occasional, it is an appropriate form of physical dimensional processing. If it’s frequent, is it due to a physical disorder? Regardless, physical dimensional balance through balanced diet and exercise always helps;

f) My mind is too active. Try a few minutes of aerobic exercise before meditation and focus on balancing the diet. Use truthful affirmation and other focusing techniques;

g) My environment is not quiet enough to meditate. A quiet space is ideal, but noise is no barrier to meditation. Don’t try to make it other than it is; just incorporate it into your experience. At home, take precautions, turn off your phone, put a “do not disturb” sign on your meditation room door. Let others know you are meditating;

h) I don’t have a full hour. Then do as much as you are able. For maximum results, plan for an hour meditation plus ten minutes of transition — every day. Otherwise, you could do a half hour of tranquility plus ten minutes of silence and the other thirty minutes at the end of the day;

i) What about using technology for sleep? The Recognitions Program comes with the Quiescence soundtrack for night-time use. It has no technology in order to not interfere with natural sleep brain wave patterns. It contains only affirmations and ocean waves. Thus, avoid sonic entrainment meditation technology for inducing sleep. For Recognitions participants: if awake during the night, you can listen to Tranquility with headphones while lying in bed;

j) What about posture and position? Sit upright in a comfortable position. This position allows for the free flow of energy along the spine. Don’t force a particular position;

k) What about phenomenal experience? There is no limit to phenomenal experience in meditation — lights, colors, visions, etc. They represent subtle dimensional experience, but not the goal or point of meditation. They’re all just the by-product of the expansion of awareness and clearing. So don’t expect or seek them; just watch and be entertained. More advanced experience is stillness, emptiness, absence. More evolved meditators experience less phenomena;

l) What are the subliminal affirmations? They are an intrinsic part of the Recognitions Program and replace old, negative data with more truthful, positive data. They assist in relinquishing limiting beliefs and add acceleration to the process;

m) Why are there levels on the Recognitions Program? Delta is a range of frequencies (0-3.5 Hz.); every step of Recognitions moves into deeper levels of Delta frequency range. Also, subliminal affirmations change in each level;

n) Will this compromise or interfere with my beliefs? No, because Synchronicity is based on precision technology, not belief. It doesn’t matter what you believe, go by your experience;

o) Why does Recognitions cost more than some other programs? The Recognitions Program is an ongoing course in Modern Spirituality with High-Tech Meditation and Holistic Lifestyle created by an authentic Master of Meditation and facilitated by trained synchronicity facilitators. It is a comprehensive program that has proven itself over 25 years;

p) My partner pushes back on the night-time soundtrack. Turn the volume down if it bothers your sleep partner; if totally unsuccessful, you can play it during the day in the home/office on speakers;

q) What is the best time for meditation? Classical times are sunrise and sunset with noon and midnight also recommended as representing the day’s mid-points. However, your best time is based on your personal biorhythm.