The Holographic Rainbow … Part 5 ─ Throat Chakra Vortex

“Everything in the universe is in vibration.” 1 … “it is now well accepted that we live in an invisible ocean of energy suffusing space…” 2

Eileen Day McKusick


In this discussion of the fifth chakra vortex, we have progressed from the open heart and fully entered the realm of subtle dimensions (introduced earlier in this blog).

Another way of describing the human subtle energy field is this:  “…our biofield—which extends approximately five feet to both sides of the body and three feet above the head and below the feet and is shaped like a torus — containing the record of all of our memories, embedded as energy and information… This makes the living matrix appear as a complex information processing system analogous to modern computer chips, only vastly more complex.”










Our torus bio-field energizes our central channel of subtle communication called “the shushumna” in the Vedic tradition, aligned with the physical spine. The chakras are in this alignment with the lower three chakra vortexes sometimes called the Primary Trinity (because of their density). The heart chakra is in the middle as the gateway to the subtle dimensions.

Master Charles teaches that, “we as individuals and the collective humanity… and all the collective experience of the whole of humanity … are generating this matrix.  It looks very real. It looks solid, dense, and it is fixed in dense cellular memory. Thus, certain consensus illusions are perpetuated by dense-dimensional focus. However, it yields in subtle, universal dimensional focus. Why is it not true in the denser dimensions of the Primary Trinity? Because if you remain in the denser dimensions, where that information is fixed and it is unconscious habit, you are not even aware that you are creating it. It is just repetition of information.” 4

And once you have evolved toward opening of the heart chakra, you have released much of the unconscious thoughts, beliefs, and habits that have held you so strongly in the first three chakra vortexes. You have become aware of your co-creation of your reality and you have glimpsed the truth of the interactive matrices and the greater reality of one source consciousness.

Master Charles also teaches that human beings are information processing units. This is why we stress wakefulness, so that we can create and maintain balance with every tool at our disposal. The resonant, coherent rhythm can be regained with opening the heart chakra which is at the earliest beginnings of the harmonic subtle dimensions.

 The throat chakra works on a principle of resonance… Resonance is something you feel in your body,  something that deepens the field of communication and allows your entire being to vibrate with wholeness. 5

Anodea Judith


In “Wheels of Life”, Anodea Judith correlates the throat chakra to sound:  “…Sound is a rhythmic pulsing of waveforms that can be harmonious or dissonant.” 6   “ … sound is the gross representation of an invisible field of vibrations, and operates in a similar way to subtle vibrations.  To enter the fifth chakra is to tune our consciousness into the subtle vibrational field that is all around us…  All vibrations are characterized by rhythm, a repeated, regular pattern of movement through time and space. These rhythmical patterns are deeply ingrained functions of our consciousness.” 7

Most chakra authors correlate “sound” with the throat chakra and this delineation is an excellent one.


Over the millennia, the foremost technique for balance and wholeness has been meditation. Although effective, it has been long overdue for an update, which is what was created by Master Charles Cannon in 1984 ─ technological meditation. High-Tech Meditation® provides a unique way to achieve balance, wholeness and fulfillment in a fast-paced Western lifestyle.  Designed to be practiced on a daily basis, it utilizes Synchronicity Sonic technology to give individuals the opportunity to enjoy a precision meditation experience every time they meditate.  It utilizes comprehensive brain-wave entrainment technology combined with the energy frequencies of sacred geometry.

And there is another key reason why Synchronicity’s High-Tech Meditation is so effective. The creator is a master spiritual teacher, a monk who spent many years in an ancient Eastern contemplative tradition learning to access the deeper frequencies of enlightening awareness. As he mastered the process, he found a way for others to have similar results that were much easier and required much less time than the traditional methods he had to follow. He offers technology to the general public in Alpha and Theta, but reserves the deeply impactful Delta frequencies for serious meditators who commit to daily practice (by enrolling in The Recognitions Program). With skilled facilitators assisting practitioners around the globe, they experience accelerated evolution through the efficiency provided by constancy of powerful entraining frequencies on a regular basis.

A recent book on sound by Eileen Day McKusick explains subtleties of the resonance and entrainment process which can be applied to the efficacy of the Synchronicity technology: “… there are specific resonance windows at which biological effects tend to take place preferentially … a tiny signal at just the right frequency is capable of triggering cell membrane proteins to create an amplified response.” 8

Originating technological meditation is an example of enlightened creativity, available to a master spiritual teacher who is constant in decelerated, enlightening frequencies and thus able to “communicate without words”. Such is the hallmark of a fully-opened throat chakra vortex providing greater “downloads” when combined with fully open 6th and 7th chakras. The more these subtle energy vortexes are open, the more access to universal consciousness there is, and master spiritual teachers are said to be like “empty bamboos” in this regard. This access also explains the great amplitude of their bio-signature frequency which entrains everyone around them, pulling them into deeper states of awareness through a tuning-fork effect.


 At the heart of each of us, whatever our imperfections, there exists a silent pulse of perfect rhythm, a complex of wave forms and resonances, which is absolutely individual and unique and yet which connects us to  everything in the universe.” 9

Anodea Judith

The throat chakra vortex, being just above the heart chakra, brings that energy upward into the subtle dimensions of universal consciousness.  Carla Rueckhart explains: “That is what the blue ray [throat chakra] is all about: communicating from the heart. An open heart springboards us into open communication … In blue ray, we are speaking from that broader standpoint which we have reached by integrating all of our emotions into our heart and by understanding and forgiving them in ourselves. This viewpoint enables us to understand and forgive the same energies in other people. Our attention and communication then become gifts of love.” 10


Anodea Judith further describes the fifth chakra as: “the seat of communication through sound and vibration …  the realm of consciousness that controls, creates, transmits, and receives communication, both within ourselves and between each other … communication is the coordinating principle of all life. It is the means whereby consciousness extends itself from … one place to another…  Communication is the process of transmitting and receiving information through symbols.” 11

“Communication can be seen as a symbolic system that mediates between the abstract and manifested idea. It formulates our thoughts into controlled physical vibrations, which in turn can create manifestations on the physical plane. … this chakra occupies a crucial place in the gateway between mind and body. It is not a central place of balance like the heart; rather it mirrors the transformative properties of fire – a medium in the transition from one dimension to another.” 12

Thus, communication can more than just words and information. Many layers (dimensions) exist within the verbal, non-verbal, and visual transmission of frequencies. If “communication” is without the awareness provided by the heart vortex, then it is from the Primary Trinity and thus it is just unconscious, habitual repetition of information. But, with heart awareness, there’s access to subtle dimensions and awareness of co-creative holographic mirrors that reflect truth, love, and wholeness much more powerful than words. Welcome to the subtle world of universal consciousness.


Throat chakra imbalance is defined as: “excess and deficiency by the quality of the voice, the ease of communication, and the flow of creativity.”  Excessive characteristics include: talking too much or inappropriately; gossiping; stuttering; difficulty being silent; excessive loudness; inability to contain (keep confidences, etc.). Deficient characteristics can be: difficulty putting things in words; fear of speaking; speaking with small, weak voice; secretiveness; excessive shyness; tone deafness.13


No discussion of the throat chakra vortex would be complete without the ancient practice of mantra repetition.

“Sound, as a vibration and a force inherent in all things, has a purifying nature.” 14

Anodea Judith

Repeating mantras is a good focusing tool and the rhythm entrains us. There are many books and resources on the bija (seed) mantras for each chakra vortex, which can be used with focus on the approximate physical location of the subtle chakra. This can be effective. But even more effective are Synchronicity alpha brainwave soundtracks which include basic mantras used in various religious traditions throughout the world. A favorite among yoga teachers is, “Om, The Reverberation of Source.”  The combination of mantra and technology excels in effectiveness of deceleration into meditative states. And a focus on any individual chakra (while listening to the soundtracks with headphones) can also increase effectiveness.


“Listening is a central part of the skill of blue-ray communication. .. The simple courtesy of listening carefully to what people say to us is a wonderful help in achieving the feeling of safety and clarity in communication that distinguishes blue-ray speech. The central requirement for being a skillful listener is for us to be in our open hearts.” 15

This statement by Carla Rueckert elaborates on the feeling of wholeness we get when we communicate from oneness. We usually “listen” to others and simultaneously think about our response and often miss the truthful subtle-dimensional communication.  This is a good reminder to slow down, be present and tap into universal consciousness for more truthful and fulfilling “communication.”


In “Living the Law of One 101: The Choice”, Carla Rueckart writes: “We have had a lot of training during our childhood on how we ought to feel and what we should think…  At first, such guidelines and learned responses are helpful to a growing personality. After a while, however, they can constitute a prison. … We all have our favorite stories. We often tell them over and over.”16 

Master Charles Cannon, in his programs and retreats, has described how we continuously tweak our favorite stories over time. If we notice ourselves doing this, we can also notice that everyone else is doing it too and thus be more wakeful (and more discerning) when hearing another’s  “stories”.

The Synchronicity Socratic Process of Inquiry has been created by Master Charles Cannon as a method for recognizing and disempowering the illusory “stories” in our lives. As he often says, “events happen and then there are the stories we tell about those events.” This explains how our stories – whether they are accurate recollections of something that happened in fact or not – are turned into illusions by our minds. The resulting reality is not real; it is virtual. Using the Socratic Process to dismantle our illusory stories (and the virtual reality they have fabricated) begins to create a truthful reality instead.

To help clear the fifth throat chakra vortex, it is helpful to ask the questions below and then do the Synchronicity Socratic Process on them … revealing their illusory beginnings and habitual maintenance. Once this awareness dawns, we see that we have co-created the movies of our lives, with all their harmony and conflict. This can leave us awestruck in the presence of one source consciousness. At that point, all that’s left is to ask: “What remains in the stillness of a mind?”

Fifth Chakra Contemplations

For your contemplation (not analysis). What’s the difference you might wonder? You can read the previous blog to this one which highlights this quote from Master Charles Cannon:  “Transformation is through awareness, not analysis.” Instead of using the mind for comparison, contemplation is using the heart to feel the presence and the frequencies of the question. With the heart involved, subtle-dimensional awareness awakes and provides spontaneous and sometimes awesome “information” …

What is your primary belief about …

… your right and ability to speak up?

… your ability to express yourself clearly?

… why you talk too much or too little?

… why you speak too loudly or too softly?

… whether you are a good listener and why?

… why you can’t be silent more often?

… why you gossip about other people?

… your secretiveness preventing clear communication?

… why your heart sometimes seems to get stuck in your throat?

… why you judge yourself for what you say to others?

… why your speech feels incongruent with who you feel you are?



  1. McKusick, Eileen Day. Tuning the Human Biofield: Healing with Vibrational Sound Therapy, Inner Traditions/Bear & Company, 2014. (Kindle Locations 236).
  2. Ibid., 172
  3. Ibid., 329-331
  4. Master Charles Cannon, presentations and programs.
  5. Judith, Anodea. Chakra Balancing, Workbook (Sounds True, 2003) p.58
  6. Ibid., p.53
  7. Judith, Anodea. Wheels of Life: A User’s Guide to the Chakra System, Llewellyn Publications; 1st edition (December 8, 2012) (Kindle Locations 2094 -2127).
  8. McKusick, Eileen Day, Tuning the Human Biofield: Healing with Vibrational Sound Therapy Inner Traditions/Bear & Company 2014. (Kindle Locations 240-243).
  9. Judith, Anodea. Wheels of Life: A User’s Guide to the Chakra System Llewellyn Publications; 1st edition (December 8, 2012) (Kindle Locations 2145-2147).
  10. Rueckert, Carla. Living the Law of One 101: The Choice, L/L Research 2013. (Kindle Location 3837-3901).
  11. Judith, Anodea. Wheels of Life: A User’s Guide to the Chakra System Llewellyn Publications; 1st edition (December 8, 2012) (Kindle Locations 2038-2046).
  12. Ibid. 2066-2070
  13. Judith, Anodea. Chakra Balancing, Workbook (Sounds True, 2003) p. 55
  14. Judith, Anodea. Wheels of Life: A User’s Guide to the Chakra System, Llewellyn Publications; 1st edition (December 8, 2012) (Kindle Location 277).
  15. Rueckert, Carla. Living the Law of One 101: The Choice (Kindle Locations 4011-13). L/L Research 2013.
  16. Ibid., 3925-3930


The Holographic Rainbow: From the Heart

“Transformation is through awareness, not analysis.” 1

Master Charles Cannon


In a break from the delineation of the seven chakras, now is a good time to expand on the open heart chakra.

The previous blog was an attempt at quieting the mind-field with information that could satisfy the mind’s goal of thinking it can understand the world we face each day… a world of our own making, collectively and individually. With the mind in coherence (balance), there is access to the heart-field.

To expand the heart chakra, however, takes a real commitment to living with an open heart, one that allows for releasing the need to understand and embracing change… not with an attitude of resignation but with heart-felt gratitude. Every person, situation and event in our world is a gift for our contemplation and response. It’s the way we grow through the relative field that is giving us choices, moment-by-moment, to expand our experience of truthful reality.

As Master Charles often says, “who are you choosing to be?” 2 when faced by your challenges. If you can see them as a gift and be grateful, you have already mastered the challenge. You have seen the oneness and most likely are blissful in the process. For if everything is one and there is “no other”, where is the challenge? It’s a holographic mirror showing previous thoughts and concepts for your review and response. Once you have fully experienced them as illusion, you are free. Freedom and bliss are the rewards of each clearing of old data, which increases the gratitude even more…. and, eventually, readiness for the next round, the next wave of consciousness to grace yourself with another mirror.

It’s the end of summer and change is happening for many people returning to academic institutions, from students to teachers to administrators … in all levels from kindergarten to graduate school to business/trade schools. Fall is also coming and changing the weather to cooler temperatures and, in some places, beautiful fall foliage.

So many brilliant opportunities for gracing ourselves with gratitude, love, and appreciation for all that we encounter!   The last blog explained how love is our nature and now there are expanded opportunities to experience that love, within ourselves and as the projected images we encounter.


Who are you choosing to be today?



  1. Master Charles Cannon, presentations and writings.
  2. Master Charles Cannon, presentations and writings.
Man in heart

The Holographic Rainbow … Part 4 – The 4th Heart Chakra Vortex

“The yearning for wholeness and freedom that all of us feel reflects our individuated consciousness longing for greater interaction with universal consciousness…  

The Heart-field plays the role of gateway to universal consciousness.” 1

 Master Charles Cannon

Since consciousness is the substratum of the universe (all universes, imagined and real), the densification into polar opposites is the vehicle for creating experience. Without “heat”, we can’t fathom “cold.” And so it is with universal and individual consciousness, mirrors of each other, reacting “as above, so below.” In reality, all is one. In this play of consciousness, they are separated yet attracted in a never-ending search for equilibrium, borne of light and always in motion.

“Quantum physicists state that the material world is really variable fields or frequencies of energy. 

All energy is ultimately reducible to light.” 2

Emory J. Michael

In “The Synchronicity Key,” David Wilcock agrees, writing that “light is alive. Photons are the most basic form of life in the universe … the universe is made of light and love… light being the masculine force that projects outward and provides raw power in the photon, and love being the feminine force that shapes, molds, and directs the light.  The offspring of light and love are matter and biology, all of which is ultimately alive.”3 Quoting the Law of One material, he writes: “You are everything, every being, every emotion, every event, every situation. You are unity. You are infinity. You are love/light, light/love. You are.” 4

And, according to Master Charles Cannon, “loving kindness is the very nature of consciousness. It is in love with itself because there is no other. There is only one blissful consciousness.” 5

The fourth, heart chakra is about love, the center of our 7 energy channels and the gateway from the lower to the upper chakras. According to Master Charles, the dense dimensions (chakra vortexes 1-3) tend to be fragmented and mired in illusion while the subtle dimensions (corresponding to universal consciousness, chakra vortexes 5-7) are more unified and truthful in their expression. “Self-awareness is minimized in the dense dimensions and maximized in the subtle dimensions.  We are all constantly downloading information from the all-possibility of universal consciousness into individual consciousness and thus, self-referentially, we create our experience moment by moment-by-moment.” 6

“We came here to learn better how to love and to be loved …

to know ourselves well enough to accept and love ourselves genuinely, especially

the “shadow side” we like to keep hidden.” 7

Carla Rueckert

The heart chakra form of love is not the passionate, transitory love of the second chakra or the lust of the first chakra … but rather unconditional love. That is, there are no conditions to loving and there is more of a constancy that is palpable. The “loving” is not about “another” but rather a state of being in harmony with oneself. This is called by numerous names, like “balance” or “coherence”. The human journey is about bringing the Mind-field into coherence and removing its disruptive influence on the heart.

When the Mind-field yields through consistent balance,

the Heart-field is actualized and individual and universal consciousness

interact to deliver the experience of true holistic reality

as one blissful consciousness in the here and now of its happening. 8

Master Charles Cannon

When coherent, the heart chakra perceives the world as a unity, an interlocking puzzle of relationships perfectly creating each moment for our maximum growth. “It is necessary to remember that the universe is one of vibration and motion, not solidity … each piece of the universe is affecting each other part, all the time.” 9

According to Anodea Judith in Wheels of Life, “Relationship is the interface between matter and information, and plays a part in all the levels that lie between. In fact, all information could be regarded as awareness of relationship. These patterns give us the concepts which form the basic structure of our thoughts, communication and perception … The fourth chakra level of consciousness perceives the world as an intricate web of relationships, bound together by the force of love.  Once we perceive objects and their activities as relationships, we begin to perceive the perfection, balance, and eternal nature of these relationships … When we understand the perfection of the relationships around us, it beckons the heart to open.”10

Excessive characteristics in the heart chakra are demonstrated by:  Codependency (focusing too much on others), poor boundaries, jealousy, being a martyr, being a pleaser. Deficient characteristics can be:  Antisocial, withdrawn, critical, intolerant, lonely, isolated, lack of empathy, fear of intimacy.11

The Synchronicity Socratic Process of Inquiry has been created by Master Charles Cannon as a method for recognizing and disempowering the illusory “stories” in our lives. As he often says, “events happen and then there are the stories we tell about those events.” This explains how our stories – whether they are accurate recollections of something that happened in fact or not – are turned into illusions by our minds.

With increased will power developed in the third chakra, we can focus our wakefulness to dismantle the stories along these lines in the heart chakra: Self-acceptance & Self-forgiveness. The first leads to the second and the  second leads to forgiveness of “others”, creating the openness to love and harmony.

“Love is the attraction exercised on each unit of consciousness by

the center of the universe in its course of taking shape.” 12

 Teilhard de Chardin

We can practice opening ourselves to experience universal consciousness’ motion of love as it shapes the light as we described at the beginning of this blog. Maybe that’s why the heart is considered to be the center of our “e-motions”, since it where we experience love. The heart is where the cosmic force of love shapes the light into a vibration that we can perceive as a homecoming, a welcoming to enter and rest in joy and peace. We can experience this love in motion even more when our minds and bodies are “still and open” such as in the practice of meditation.

The element represented by the fourth chakra is air. Our breathing keeps air traveling through the body, giving life, “burning toxins, releasing stored emotions, changing body structure and changing consciousness.“13

“If your breathing is in any way restricted, to that degree, so is your life.”14 

 Michael Grant White

“Breath, as related to the element air, is one of the primary keys to opening the heart chakra … The breath can actually change the body structure, and once changed, the body hungers for this increased oxygen supply. It is an evolutionary and healing-oriented process … The mind also can be calmed through control of the breath,”15 and all ancient wisdom traditions have techniques for calming and controlling the breath. Conscious, balanced breathing raises the subtle vibrations within the entire human organism, since breath circulates throughout the entire body and acts more quickly than any other bodily function.

In all of his presentations, Master Charles Cannon encourages everyone to focus on their breath and balance the inward and outward flows. He has also explained how lengthening the in-breath can increase the positive energy which helps to balance the default negative. Also, holding the inward breath at the heart with a focus on flowing feelings of love can expand the amplitude of heart chakra frequencies and increase the experience of blissful reunion with one source consciousness. As Master Charles has often said, “if you want more love in your life, be loving.”

Further exercises to help calm the Mind-field and activate the Heart-field include asking  yourself the questions below. Using the Synchronicity Socratic Process can reveal their illusory beginnings and habitual maintenance. Once this awareness dawns, we see that we have co-created the movies of our lives, with all their harmony and conflict. This can leave us awestruck in the presence of one source consciousness, experienced as love itself. At that point, all that’s left is to ask: “What remains in the stillness of a mind?” 


Inner Self


FOURTH, HEART-CHAKRA QUESTIONS (answer in a one, bottom-line sentence):

What is your primary belief about why some of your relationships aren’t more satisfying than they are?

What is your primary belief about why you tend to be co-dependent with some people?

What is your primary belief about why you feel jealous sometimes even about a small matter?

What is your primary belief about why you sometimes don’t feel empathy toward someone and dismiss it without further thought?

What is your primary belief about why you resent lack of appreciation or reward when you have worked hard to please others?

What is your primary belief about why you sometimes have a fear of intimacy?

What is your primary belief about why you can sometimes be critical and intolerant of others?

What is your primary belief about your being lonely sometimes?

What is your primary belief about why you have trouble forgiving others sometimes, even for little things?

What is your primary belief about why you don’t have more peace in your life?

What is your primary belief about why you don’t have more love in your life?

What is your primary belief about why you don’t have more balance in your life?



  1. Master Charles Cannon, presentations and writings.
  2. Emory J. Michael, The Alchemy of Sacred Living; Creating a Culture of Light (Mountain Rose Publishing © 1998), p. 163.
  3. Wilcock, David, The Synchronicity Key; The Hidden Intelligence Guiding the Universe and You. (Kindle Locations 1413-1484). Dutton/ Penguin Group, New York, 2013)
  4. Wilcock, David, The Synchronicity Key; The Hidden Intelligence Guiding the Universe and You (Dutton/ Penguin Group, New York, 2013) (Kindle Locations 1492-1494).
  5. Master Charles Cannon, presentations and writings.
  6. Master Charles Cannon, presentations and writings.
  7. Rueckert, Carla, Living the Law of One 101: The Choice (Kindle Location 3370). L/L Research. Kindle Edition.
  8. Master Charles Cannon, presentations and writings.
  9. Rueckert, Carla, Living the Law of One 101: The Choice (Kindle Location 942). L/L Research. Kindle Edition.
  10. Anodea Judith, Wheels of Life: A User’s Guide to the Chakra System (Llewellyn’s New Age Series) (Kindle Location 1789). Kindle Edition.
  11. Anodea Judith, Chakra Balancing, Workbook (Sounds True, 2003) p. 43.
  12. Anodea Judith, Wheels of Life: A User’s Guide to the Chakra System (Llewellyn’s New Age Series) (Kindle Locations 1728-29). Kindle Edition.
  13. Anodea Judith, Wheels of Life: A User’s Guide to the Chakra System (Llewellyn’s New Age Series) (Kindle Location 1896). Kindle Edition.
  14. Anodea Judith, Wheels of Life: A User’s Guide to the Chakra System (Llewellyn’s New Age Series) (Kindle Location 1890). Kindle Edition.
  15. Anodea Judith, Wheels of Life: A User’s Guide to the Chakra System (Llewellyn’s New Age Series) (Kindle Location 1891-1908). Kindle Edition.

THE HOLOGRAPHIC RAINBOW, Part 3 … The Solar Plexus Chakra Vortex

The third chakra vortex (our solar plexus) is all about identity and power in one’s environment. The first chakra vortex provided the group environment of survival and cultural conditioning. The second chakra vortex started pulling away from safety in order to begin establishing one’s own identity … into a plethora of relationships which mirror back our actions for learning and growth.

Now we move into the third chakra vortex where relationships become more formalized and address again the group conditioning that we started with – this time not from helpless dependence but with a critical eye toward what serves us and what doesn’t. Our ego and will power are being developed, based on the emotional identity beginnings in the second chakra vortex.

The formal groups are further defined as birth family, marriage family, work family, community, etc.  These structures are very powerful and catalytic in our daily lives. Carla Rueckert puts it this way:  “When people live together or work together on a daily basis over a long period of time, the family acts like a house of mirrors. Family interaction can make us feel judgmental concerning another family member. This judgment shows us our own shadow side …  Familiarity can become over-familiarity. We can take each other for granted. We can sometimes descend into enjoying petty grievances and indulging in chronic sniping.1

Families of all types often provide great challenges and are a great gift of reflection and evolution for balancing and integrating those issues we have chosen to address in this lifetime:  “We only get aggravated by the things others do to us when they are also issues we have not developed and redeemed within ourselves. Family members thusly offer us catalyst that allows us to face and resolve these issues. And we will not resolve them until we can love them, just as they are. Since we are one, such catalyst also asks us to acknowledge and work with those issues of our own dark side.”  2

“We cannot change anything unless we accept it.

Condemnation does not liberate, it oppresses.”  3

Carl Jung

Master Charles Cannon’s explanation of the individuation process shows how we can develop our will power to address our mirrored beliefs for greater evolution: 

  • “Our unconscious mind (and its unconscious distractions) must be made conscious because it is dictating, flavoring our experience. We have to make the unconscious conscious — the whole of our database.  We have to make it conscious so that we can dis-identify from illusory limiting data. Then, detached and wakeful, we can choose who to be, moment-by-moment. We can hold the reins of our experience rather than our unconscious database.” 4

There are two wings of the dove of peace … one is grace and the other is effort. When we take a positive step toward an awakened, holistic lifestyle, we are supported in our intention by the grace of the one source consciousness. More and more truthful choices appear and life becomes magical and miraculous.

Grace can also be seen in the quantum mechanics application of the “string theory,” which is the most convincing model yet that proves the oneness of all and everything. Just imagine the torus energy field that surrounds each of us as surging electromagnetic attraction and repulsion frequencies catalyzing our unconscious intentions and beliefs. Our responses then send information-laden frequencies back through the torus field, setting the stage for the next download of catalysts. If we’ve made the unconscious conscious, then the next download will be different than it would have been (and much easier).

We receive grace from universal consciousness in the form of life and opportunity but it’s also up to us to “grace ourselves.” So, the two wings in this balancing act are effort and grace.  Life is really so simple … “what goes around, comes around” or “what you give is what you get.”  All we ever see are holographic mirrors; all we ever experience is ourselves.

 “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t–you’re right.” 5

Henry Ford

And, if you’re really serious about human mastery, you’ll find an authentic master spiritual teacher. They will facilitate even more grace appearing in your life due to their resonance with illuminating universal frequencies that empower everything in their extended and powerful torus energy field (including you).

Other issues in the third chakra include sexuality, always active in the first three chakras. It is first experienced as lust in the first chakra, then as diffusive personal relationships in the second chakra, and now as more formalized relationships in the third.  Sometimes the egoic power of dominance rears its ugly head. To possess or to be possessed is a major catalyst in the human journey and can result in much fear. Sometimes situations result in shame, which is “the demon of the third chakra ….. antithetical to self-esteem and personal power.” 6

Metabolism of the body is also ruled by the third chakra with its ever-present fiery nature. The digestive system is a major factor in the balance of energy (strength or weakness). Good intentions cannot be actualized when the energy isn’t there to support it. The basic right of the third chakra, according to Anodea Judith, is the “right to act” and balance in the body is needed to fulfill that right.

Thus, the third chakra is a center of profound power and can either be used to evolve to the transformative heart or block it and keep its power in density through story-telling, which maintains unrelenting cycles of unresolved issues and suffering. According to Carla Rueckert, “our primary job is to develop the lower three chakras with a fierce and ruthless will.” 7  Since will power is such a critical development, for good or ill, it’s important to recognize it in ourselves and steer the energy into a form of positive, “grace-full” determination to consciously evolve.

In our first three chakras, our polarized human nature fluctuates considerably more than the chakra vortexes from the heart upwards. Often there are wide swings here between over-stimulation and desire for avoidance. An under-active third chakra tends to manifest as:  “Passivity, lack of energy, poor digestion, tendency to be cold, tendency toward submission, blaming, low self-esteem/lack of confidence, weak will/ poor self-discipline, use of stimulants.” 8  The over-active traits are:  “dominating, controlling, competitive, arrogant, ambitious, hyperactive, stubborn, driven (compulsively focused toward goals), attracted to sedatives.” 9

It’s helpful to remember to keep a constant focus on keeping the energy flowing through our energy channels. This can be more easily remembered when that intent is attached to the intent to watch our breath—moment-to-moment— in the awareness of our oneness with all that we observe.

The Synchronicity Socratic Process of Inquiry has been created by Master Charles Cannon as a method for recognizing and disempowering the illusory “stories” in our lives. As he often says, “events happen and then there are the stories we tell about those events.” This explains how our stories – whether they are accurate recollections of something that happened in fact or not – are turned into illusions by our minds. The resulting reality is not real; it is virtual. Using the Socratic Process to dismantle our illusory stories (and the virtual reality they have fabricated) begins to create a truthful reality instead.

To help clear the third, solar plexus chakra vortex, it is helpful to ask the questions below and then do the Synchronicity Socratic Process on them … revealing their illusory beginnings and habitual maintenance. Once this awareness dawns, we see that we have co-created the movies of our lives, with all their harmony and conflict. This can leave us awestruck in the presence of one source consciousness. At that point, all that’s left is to ask: “What remains in the stillness of a mind?”


Solar Plexus Questions   (answer these in a one, bottom-line sentence)

What is your primary belief about the level of recognition you receive in your life?

What is your primary belief about your level of self-esteem – good, poor, or haven’t even considered?

What is your primary belief about your ability to be direct with people or using passive-aggressive techniques to get what you want?

What is your primary belief about your energy levels being sufficient to carry you through your day?

What is your primary belief about why you are competitive rather than cooperative sometimes?

What is your primary belief about whether you are confident about meeting demands or whether they are overwhelming?

What is your primary belief about how much blaming you do in a day (and who gets the blame)?

What is your primary belief about your level of ambition for your life?

What is your primary belief about why you are controlling or submissive?

What is your primary belief about your need for stimulants and/or relaxants during your day?

What is your primary belief about your level of reliability and self-discipline?

What is your primary belief about your ability to take risks?



  1. Rueckert, Carla. Living the Law of One 101: The Choice ((L/L Research, Kindle Edition, 2013) Kindle location 2846.
  2. Rueckert, Carla. Living the Law of One 101: The Choice (L/L Research, Kindle Edition, 2013) Kindle location 2847.
  3. Jung, Carl. Quotations Page online,
  4. Master Charles Cannon, programs and presentations.
  5. Ford, Henry. Goodreads online,
  6. Judith, Anodea, Chakra Balancing, Workbook, Anodea Judith (Sounds True, 2003) p. 35.
  7. Rueckert, Carla. Living the Law of One 101: The Choice (L/L Research, Kindle Edition, 2013) Kindle Location 3193.
  8. Judith, Anodea, Chakra Balancing, Workbook, Anodea Judith (Sounds True, 2003) p. 33.
  9. Judith, Anodea, Chakra Balancing, Workbook, Anodea Judith (Sounds True, 2003) p. 33.

THE HOLOGRAPHIC RAINBOW, Part 2 … The Second Chakra Vortex — First Stage of Individuation

This is the second in a series of blogs taking a detailed look at the seven chakra energy vortexes, which are the conduits of subtle frequencies throughout our body’s energy field.

The second chakra vortex, known as Svadhisthana in the East, begins the process of first movement, first separation — pulling away from one’s tribe (one’s culture) and its conditioning. defines individuation as:  the determination or contraction of a general nature to an individual  mode of existence; development of the individual from the general.1  And, in a larger context that includes the metaphysical, here is another definition:  achievement of self-actualization through a process of integrating the conscious and the unconscious.2  This more closely follows Carl Jung’s philosophy and is often used by Master Charles Cannon in his writings and presentations when describing the human process of evolution.

This first movement, or “motion”, brings a beginning of identity with emotions, stirred up in the process of separation. Polarity shows up as we begin to see ourselves as separate and different from others. Emotional identity is developed and has polarity swings between over-active and under-active in learning balance.

According to Anodea Judith (author of several books on the chakras), an under-active second chakra tends to attract: rigidity in your body, beliefs or behavior; emotional numbness or insensitivity; fear of change; lack of desire, passion or excitement; avoidance of pleasure, fear of sexuality; poor social skills; excessive boundaries; boredom.  An over-active second chakra tends to create: sexual addictions; obsessive attachments; addiction to stimulation; excessive mood swings; excessively sensitive; poor boundaries, invasion of others; emotional dependency; instability.

In the process of beginning to see who we are, we have to learn to accept and love ourselves unconditionally … and this is often only learned when we interact with others and observe their reflection back to us. This is why “others” are often called “mirrors”. Since an eye cannot see itself, often it’s the reflections that teach us the truth of what is rather than the biased beliefs of our minds.  This is especially true in this sacral chakra energy which is heavily focused around our journey with others, sexuality and reproduction — providing an avenue of growth, a valuable gift for which we can be grateful. .

Also, according to Anodea Judith, “The basic right to the second chakra is the ‘right to feel … When the right to feel is compromised, it creates the demon of the second chakra, which is guilt.”3   Guilt causes suppression which is the antithesis of the evolutionary process of opening to greater and greater realities.

Thus, relationship is the journey of CHOICES … love vs. fear, awareness vs. ignorance. Again, there is no right or wrong, only our evolution engineering its own course to teach us whatever we have chosen to learn in this lifetime. Self-acceptance is key here, as an external expression of the sense of oneness of all and everything.  With self-acceptance comes self-forgiveness which opens the door to forgiving and unconditionally loving others. Relationships of all types take focus and effort, requiring wakefulness to maintain harmony. When conflicts arise, wakefulness is required even more, sometimes leveling out at “an agreement to disagree” in a space created by harmony.

We honor love itself by seeing the oneness of ourselves and all others at the deeper, spiritual level.4

Carla Rueckert, Living the Law of One 101


Again, it is important to keep a constant focus on keeping the energy flowing through our meridians. This can be more easily remembered when that intent is attached to the intent to watch our breath—moment-to-moment— in the awareness of our oneness with all that we observe.

The Synchronicity Socratic Process of Inquiry has been created by Master Charles Cannon as a method for recognizing and disempowering the illusory “stories” in our lives. As he often says, “events happen and then there are the stories we tell about those events.” This explains how our stories – whether they are accurate recollections of something that happened in fact or not – are turned into illusions by our minds. The resulting reality is not real; it is virtual. Using the Socratic Process to dismantle our illusory stories (and the virtual reality they have fabricated) begins to create a truthful reality instead.

To help clear the second, sacral chakra vortex, it is helpful to ask the questions below and then do the Synchronicity Socratic Process on them … revealing their illusory beginnings and habitual maintenance. Once this awareness dawns, we see that we have co-created the movies of our lives, with all their harmony and conflict. This can leave us awestruck in the presence of one source consciousness. At that point, all that’s left is to ask: “What remains in the stillness of a mind?”


 What is your primary belief about your social life and why it is the way it is?

What is your primary belief about your sex life and why it is the way it is?

What is your primary belief about your creative expression and its acceptance in your world?

What is your primary belief about your ability to set boundaries and not take on other people’s inner conflicts?

What is your primary belief about your ability to be open and honest without fear of reprisal?

What is your primary belief about changes in your world and your ability to embrace them?

What is your primary belief about your life being passionate or boring and why it is that way?

What is your primary belief about your needs and desires for a romantic relationship compared to what is actually happening?

What is your primary belief about your emotions being independent or dependent upon another?

What is your primary belief about where you may be stuck in your emotions?

What is your primary belief about whether you have sufficient pleasure in your life?

What is your primary belief about any shame, guilt or anger toward the past?



  2. Journal Psyche,
  3. Chakra Balancing, Workbook, Anodea Judith (Sounds True, 2003) p. 25-26
  4. 4. Living the Law of One 101: The Choice, Carla Rueckart (L/L Research, 2013) (Kindle Location 2471).


THE HOLOGRAPHIC RAINBOW … Clearing Chakra Energy Vortexes through the Synchronicity Socratic Process


This is the first in a series of blogs taking a detailed look at the seven chakra energy vortexes, the conduits of subtle frequencies throughout our body’s energy field.

As you may recall from previous posts, all manifestation is borne from the one source consciousness. The one energy densifies to create the virtual-reality movies of our lives, with one intention — to know itself more fully.  As a spark of that consciousness, we as individuals also want to know ourselves more fully and that’s why we incarnated into this form, here and now. We have densified into this game of polar opposites which provides CHOICE to us in every moment — the choice of love vs. fear, density vs. subtlety, expansion vs. contraction, awareness vs. ignorance. There is no right or wrong, and our evolution engineers its own course despite our best efforts to control it. “Trust and watch” is an excellent focus to use as often as possible, reminding us to be present to the magnificence of the game in which we are co-creators.

It is important to keep a constant focus on keeping the energy flowing through our meridians. This can be more easily remembered when that intent is attached to the intent to watch our breath—moment-to-moment— in the awareness of our oneness with all that we observe.  The resulting detachment releases fears based in survival and allows more peace and bliss into our lives.

The Synchronicity Socratic Process of Inquiry has been created by Master Charles Cannon as a method for recognizing and disempowering the illusory “stories” in our lives. As he often says, “events happen and then there are the stories we tell about those events.” This explains how our stories – whether they are accurate recollections of something that happened in fact or not – are turned into illusions by our minds. The resulting reality is not real; it is virtual. Using the Socratic Process to dismantle our illusory stories (and the virtual reality they have fabricated) begins to create a truthful reality instead.

VORTEX NUMBER ONE: the Root Chakra

The first vibrational chakra vortex is the first recipient of all stimuli into the body, for action/ reaction, fight/ flight. Known in the East as the Muladhara, this base vortex of red energy is commonly associated with survival and instincts (including sexual procreation for species survival). Another type of association is with the less-obvious but ever-present chemical elements, earth/air/wind/fire/ether, and the four directions. Increasing our awareness of these associations grounds us with planetary energies and decreases our fears borne of separation.

A rapid way that all of us can deepen the respect we have for ourselves as human beings of the tribe of humans on planet Earth is to allow ourselves to feel this energetic connection between our human bodies and the body of the Earth itself. Picture in your mind the energy flowing up from the Earth, up the feet and legs and through the red-ray center, on its way upwards though the energy body.  When we habitually “earth” our energy bodies with this visualization, we will increase our sense of wellness and “belonging.”

Carla Rueckart, “Living the Law of One 101: The Choice” 1


According to Anodea Judith, author of several books on the chakras, an under-active first chakra tends to attract:  Major illness or injury, Disconnection from the body, Fretful state (anxious, can’t settle down), Poor focus/ poor discipline, Financial problems, Poor boundaries, Chronic disorganization. An over-active first chakra tends to create:  Hoarding, Overeating, Greed, Fear of change, Addiction to security, and Rigid boundaries.2

Some of the fearful reactions and beliefs we have developed result in these undesirable behaviors. To clear the root chakra vortex, it is helpful to ask the questions below and then do the Socratic Process on them … revealing their illusory beginnings and habitual maintenance. Once this awareness dawns, we see that we have co-created the movies of our lives, with all their harmony and conflict. This can leave us awestruck in the presence of one source consciousness. At that point, all that’s left is to ask: “What remains in the stillness of a mind?”



What is your primary belief about why your childhood wasn’t happier?

What is your primary belief about how your parents could have raised you better?

What is your primary belief about your relationship to your siblings?

What is your primary belief about making a living: an opportunity to express yourself or a drudgery that is challenging?

What is your primary belief about whether you can earn a living sufficient for your needs and desires?

What is your primary belief about your community: do you participate comfortably or feel out of place (even withdrawn with little contact?)

What is your primary belief about how you take care (or don’t take care) of your physical body?

What is your primary belief about any compulsive or obsessive habits you can’t seem to change and would like to?

What is your primary belief about how your habits (eating, drinking, shopping, surfing the web) reflect who you truly are?

What is your primary belief about the times you are resistant to (or suffocated by) the structures of your life?

What is your primary belief about whether you are “grounded” in your body … as part of the earth you walk on?

What is your primary belief about whether your environment supports who you truly are?

The NEXT BLOG will continue the series with the second chakra delineation.



  1. Law of One 101: The Choice, Carla Rueckart
  2. Chakra Balancing Workbook, Anodea Judith




Actors reading script

The Holographic Play of Consciousness in the Individual – Part Two, The Script

“All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely players.”

William Shakespeare (As You Like It, Act II, Scene VII)


Our previous blog delineated the actor and the stage in the individual human journey, a microcosmic version of the macrocosmic Holographic Play of Consciousness in the Universal. This posting introduces the third and final component, THE SCRIPT, where opportunities abound for transformation … particularly when complemented by daily practice with High-Tech Meditation® soundtracks.

The foundational premise for this series is that the universe is a hologram and the objective world doesn’t really exist but is rather a vast ocean of waves and frequencies. Individually, our brains interpret and convert that “holographic blur” into images, beliefs and stories in a mirroring effect, designed to create some sense of a continuum and keep us feeling safe and “sane.”

Since the hologram is based on beliefs, then, to change our reality, we have to change our beliefs.



Beliefs are the basis of stories. They belong to the objective, negative polarity of manifestation (i.e., phenomenal, as opposed to the positive noumenal).

Stories are an attempt to define the indefinable, to give meaning to that which is meaningless, to give us some sense of control over our large, intimidating world. We live through our beliefs and stories based on the desire to feel autonomous and powerful — in order to survive and have our needs met. Yet, we secretly know we are actually more at the effect of life than the cause and are constantly working to reverse that. However, it’s the acceptance of life as it is that brings happiness, and the evolutionary journey reveals that to us … sooner or later.

Human beings are Information Processing Units, using archetypal DNA, enculturation and choices in the Hero’s Journey through the inter-connected data-stream of the torus energy field surrounding our bodies. Once we establish a belief, we create a magnetic attraction to its opposite — creating a journey of duality and conflicts until it is balanced. Once the belief is released, the residual frequencies dissipate over time and increasing awareness results in a more truthful (and blissful) life.

Where to start in clearing our stories? We began discussing this in a previous blog on “The Play of Consciousness in the Universal” 2

Our beliefs are carried through the geometric form known as the “torus”, a polarized, dynamic matrix of flowing energy and information. It downloads and REFLECTS our beliefs about illusory dualities to us for our observation and evolution.



In earlier blogs, we delineated the creation of beliefs and stories in detail. It would be helpful here to review the main bullet points from Thomas Asacker’s book3, as quoted in our “Perception and Reality” blog4,

“… that’s how our brains evolved – by seeking patterns and making meaning, everywhere and all the time.”

  • “Our perception becomes our reality, and a belief is born.”
  • “… perception draws upon context, memories and desires to simulate a cohesive whole.”
  • “… your mind simply wants to understand and make predictions. So it will invent dots until it envisions a coherent picture.”
  • “Everything is inherently without meaning. Except for the meaning we create.”

So why do we hold onto some perceptions and beliefs, yet dismiss others? Asacker further writes that:

  • “There are times when we hold tight to our memories and beliefs, even in the face of disconfirming evidence … when they have been infused with emotion and personal relevance.”
  • “The job of the conscious mind is to automatically produce a story to make sense out of our perceptions and reflections.”

Thought process in the brain

  • “Imagined experiences are processed as real ones – the very same neurons are being connected and activated.”
  • “Our brains have evolved to work that way, to transform reality by making up cause and effect stories.”
  • “Stories are powerful. Because we all become the stories we tell ourselves.”

At Synchronicity, we use The Socratic Process to bring up beliefs and stories that reflect non-acceptance and thus unhappiness. Discovery, acceptance and release of these stories is a powerful transformational process and brings wholeness and fulfillment.


HOW TO BEGIN?  Where everything begins … with Light…  

Light is everywhere in our world. We need it to see:

it carries information from the world to our eyes and brains.5 

Light refracted through a prism creates the rainbow colors of visible light, each with its own frequency, from dense (red) to subtle (purple variants).

IN THE SAME WAY, in the human body, light is refracted and appears in its layers of frequencies according to density, as shown below.



To ensure complete incoming and outgoing information, we have a matrix of two subtle, parallel-energy lines in the area of the spine, each side running in an opposite direction from the other, ensuring incoming and outgoing information at every chakra vortex. This delineation appears in ancient wisdom traditions such as Kundalini in the Vedic/ Tantric tradition. (The central shushumna and alternating sides Ida and Pingala are sometimes, as a whole, compared to the twists and turns of DNA strands).

ONE METHOD of clearing beliefs and stories is through looking at our beliefs stored in each of the frequencies in the 7 energy vortexes. We begin at the base with the densest beliefs and work upward toward ever-more subtle frequencies and beliefs and experiences. The heart vortex is key, as it is the gateway to the subtler, higher frequency vortices.

NOW THAT WE’VE SET THE STAGE (pun intended), we will begin in succeeding blogs to delineate the 7 vortexes, one by one, revealing the traps and escape keys for evolutionary momentum and bliss.




2)  Previous blog including The Play of Consciousness in the Universal,

3) Thomas Asacker’s “The Business of Belief: How the World’s Best Marketers, Designers, Salespeople, Coaches, Fundraisers, Educators, Entrepreneurs and Other Leaders Get Us to Believe”.

4) Previous blog, Perception and Reality (

5) Light explained,




The Holographic Play of Consciousness In the Individual – Part 1

“Transformation in the individual

is simultaneous in the universal.”

Master Charles Cannon


Part One: The Actor and The Stage

The individual and the universal … the microcosm and the macrocosm … are mirrored reflections of large-scale and small-scale realities, enabling a play of consciousness for the fun of it. The Play of Consciousness is the eternal play of pretense of the One blissful energy that we all are.

In this play, we take on beliefs and then “act out” that energy according to their resonance with our history. As we release our beliefs, we experience more and more freedom and bliss, which are the nature of true reality wherein we have awakened. So we are inspired to keep blissfully playing, since the primary intention in consciousness is to become more aware of itself as all and everything.


As detailed in a previous blog,1 the Actor in the play is represented by Archetypes and their Shadows. These archetypal patterns in the collective of humanity play out in our individual daily lives, having evolved in ways that are now fairly predictable.


An archetype, in Jungian psychology, is a collectively-inherited pattern of thought, images, etc., that is universally present in individual psyches. Here we use these 12 general patterns as the role of the actor in our holographic play of consciousness. Jung also defined the negative polarity of these roles as “shadows” … “part of self, but that part which we deny and project onto others” – in other words, our flaws and misbeliefs about ourselves, slowing our evolution toward more blissful states of being.


The evolutionary process is that of individuation by “making the unconscious conscious.” The best way to journey the SHADOW is to look at the positive, opposite polarity and incorporate that energy for balance. In this list, the Shadows (and its symbols) are given for contemplation, balancing and integration. If you know astrology, you will see similarities.

DUALITY REPRESENTED:  Self and Other:  THE INITIATOR (starter, assertive) … THE PEACEMAKER (diplomatic, polite)

DUALITY REPRESENTED:  Form and Trans-formation:  THE MAINTAINER (practical, reliable) … THE TRANSFORMIST (mysterious, intense)

DUALITY REPRESENTED:  Lower Mind and Higher Mind:  THE COMMUNICATOR (spontaneous, knowledgeable) … THE PHILOSOPHER (optimistic; idealistic)

DUALITY REPRESENTED:  Private life and Public Life:  THE CAREGIVER (nurturing, sensitive) … THE AUTHORITY (responsible, disciplined)

DUALITY REPRESENTED:  Personal and Impersonal:  THE CHARISMATIC (dramatic, noble) … THE HUMANITARIAN (independent; innovative)

DUALITY REPRESENTED:  Mundane and Spiritual:  THE PERFECTIONIST (detailed, practical) … THE VISIONARY (mystical, intuitive)



The terrain of The Stage is defined by “The Hero’s Journey”, a version of the “stages” of Joseph Campbell’s “monomyth”, the common story underlying the one human life we all share. Based on archetypes in the collective unconscious, it is a map showing the progression of journeying an issue (or an entire life-cycle). For some, it is the path to wisdom or journey toward “enlightenment”.

It is so standard a process of the human journey that most movies are based on it, and the biggest blockbuster films often demonstrate it impeccably. Here is a diagram below from Wikipedia2. The steps dovetail nicely into Master Charles Cannon’s 5-fold process (Peak, Evolution, Insight, Clearing Process, Integration), along with the demonstration of the value of the Mentor.

FIVE-FOLD PROCESS enfolding The Hero’s Journey

Peak:  the hero’s ordinary world, the mundane daily life of polarized duality with conflict and suffering. Happiness is fleeting and the question keeps creeping in, “isn’t there something MORE to life?”

Evolution:  the call to adventure brings glimpses of a more-satisfying reality but it is at first declined with fear of losing the known. However, the disillusionment with the material world continues and inner conflicts occur again and again. The “comfort zone” is increasingly threatened until the hero is propelled into accepting the call.

Insight: it is here where he meets the mentor and receives guidance which inspires him and brings tools for conquest. And, since the demons to conquer are his own inner stories, only he can make the commitment and cross the threshold.

Clearing Process:  as the hero begins the journey of challenges and temptations, allies and enemies appear to help him approach them and “act out” in the play. They are reflections of parts of the hero that been drawn as self-referential mirrors that reveal his/her illusory, debilitating stories. Ordeals escalate to a final battle, which is a climax in the process that  Master Charles Cannon calls “the sledgehammer effect” (continually hitting ourselves over the head until we see what we’re really doing and stop it). With the story given up, a death experience happens (releasing the known) and stillness and peace descend in a rebirth of some sort.

“With renunciation comes peace.”
Master Charles Cannon

Integration: the ordeal is over and reward comes with an expanded awareness of truthful reality (peace has balanced the noise of the conflict and dilated the space between them for clearer observation of the truth). Gratitude and appreciation for life blossom into a new way of living that compels the hero to return to his roots and share his balancing, sometimes enlightening, experience. He re-appears in the old, familiar environment with a sense of resurrection. He’s not the same, he has found “the elixir”, the “holy grail”, the truth of life, and it’s time to live it in a new, extraordinary way.

“The extraordinary is the ordinary … for those who are awake.”
 Master Charles Cannon

His new wakefulness reveals more and more opportunities for confronting old beliefs with renunciation and silence, bringing an ever-increasing  integrative wholeness, fulfillment and bliss.

For more detail listing the 12 stages, see an earlier blog, “The Hero’s Journey and Modern Spirituality” 3 on the Synchronicity website or as it appeared in an online journal, “Conscious Life Journal” (see links below).


THIS CONCLUDES this blog, bringing together previous blogs on The Actor and The Stage and now we’ve “set the stage” (pun intended) for the third and final component of the play — THE SCRIPT. The next blog will begin to delineate the creation of our stories, how they play out in our lives, and the ways to balance them and release the conflicts they create.



1) See the previous blog at

2) From Wkipedia,

3) See the previous blog on The Hero’s Journey, AND





In the last blog, we delineated how the three dimensions of the “Lower Self” impact our experiences in our lives. That is, the pattern in those dimensions attracts electro-magnetic reflections (people) that show up in our world … requiring us to “source them”, i.e., see them as part of the One Source Consciousness.

So, how much attention should we pay to these reflections? If we take on their energy, we are in a bigger mess — if we just blindly (unconsciously) let it impact our sense of self-worth. You know that reaction … it’s when your heart feels it and the pain makes you forget your innate magnificence.  But it doesn’t have to be that way. We can still learn from our reflections as intended by the One Source Consciousness but not forget who we are or contract ourselves energetically.

We can do this if we focus on and maintain the energy of the reflection by our “Higher Self”, that is, the conscious dimensions of ourselves that don’t “take on” (“identify with”) the denser vibrations of the Lower Self.


Master Charles Cannon (a master spiritual teacher) has explained this in many ways, many times, usually putting it in the context of “love”, the conscious energy of the heart, the gateway to the Higher Self.  Focusing on the positive, the love energy, is the quickest way to learn the lesson in a way that increases our awareness rather than shutting down the heart to avoid pain.

This is merely a situation of identification, choosing to identify with the positive, uplifting energy instead of the negative, “downer” energy.  Our  creation game of polarities always includes the winning side (the positive polarity) in every interaction, every part of the game. Sometimes we just have to look for it beyond the knee-jerk reaction of the default negative. That begins with the conscious intention to do so.

Here’s a good story to illustrate the point: “The Cherokee story of the “Two Wolves. It is a story of a grandfather using a metaphor of two wolves fighting within him to explain his inner conflicts to his grandson. When his grandson asks which wolf wins, the grandfather answers whichever he chooses to feed.” 1

 BOTTOM LINE:  “Trust and Watch”, as Master Charles often advises. We choose the positive in trusting our reflections to be a valuable gift, an opportunity for transforming old beliefs and energies which block awareness and happiness. And we watch it as just data, without any heart contraction, guilt, or lowered sense of self-worth. And, if we aren’t always able to do it immediately, we forgive ourselves and make a note to watch it closer the next time and catch the reaction earlier without blame, guilt or deflated sense of self-worth. (Those beliefs and emotions just keep enabling the lower dimensions to maintain density, creating conflict to keep an illusory sense of power going. That’s no fun!)

“Lower Self”, “Higher Self” … they are just polarities of our own individuated expression of the One on the illusory game board … increasing our awareness, fulfillment and bliss through the ecstatic play of the One Source Consciousness.



EXPERIENCING JOY IN THE NEW YEAR? ….. If not, change your holographic reflection!

If we aren’t experiencing joy, we haven’t let go yet … let go of trying to create it ourselves, our self with a little “s”. You’ve likely heard that before, but probably not in the language of holographic mirrors and “frequencies.”

All our perceptions (positive or negative) are only multi-layered reflectionsad infinitum … through “mirror, mirror on the wall.” The lower self (rooted in three-dimensional fear of the other, more-powerful dimensions) makes judgments, creates beliefs, and acts on them as though they were a reality, trying to flex its muscles for power.  Within the universal hologram, a consensus reality of electro-magnetic frequencies is created, attracting similar mirrors with the same fears.

We are a multi-dimensional being of which our 3-dimensional little-self reflections are just a fragment in the mirror — a “fractal” — of the 3 densest dimensions sticking out this far from the primordial soup.

Thus, the “Higher Self” could be said to be our positive polarity fulfilling the primary intention of consciousness … to experience itself fully through multiplication of itself. It multiples through mirrored fragments, appearing to our 3-dimensional perception as multiple “others” … so we can be fearful enough to react on beliefs and create this game of illusion.

Another way to put it:  if we think of manifestation as a baseline, the bright blue at the bottom (of the graphic below) can be thought of Unified Consciousness (as the “Higher Self”) propelling extrusion into 3-dimensional appearance.

Those who meditate (and experience the above deeper blue frequencies of Unified Consciousness) let go enough of the outward propelled focus to look  inward and feel the source of existence. That’s where the joy is, where we feel “at home” in the first “rushes” of separation from the primordial soup that squeal with delight as the primary intention is fulfilled yet again.

Feeling the joy yet? Meditate, meditate, meditate and find the deep blue!

Also, you can come to the Synchronicity Sanctuary and have your NeuroField brain map done, to show you how-far-down you’re aware of your sticking-out-from-the-baseline (of joyous pure-existence). The mapping and balancing protocols are available outside of retreats, as well as during retreats.

If you need more help in finding the deep blue of Unified Consciousness and can’t make it to the Sanctuary, you can access your deepest states through Synchronicity meditation soundtracks laden with technology that will take you to the delta Unified Consciousness.  The Recognitions Program (with delta frequencies) is the fastest track there.

The graphic below shows the explanation of the BETA (the top bars in our blue frequency graphic above) and the lower frequencies toward the thicker blue (alpha, theta, delta).

Best wishes for a joyful year!


Infograph: How to Meditate